Legonyheter 2013

Hepp, tiden går og Lego lager sår, i allefall i lommeboken.

På denne tiden kan vi bare forholde oss til rykter stort sett, men de viser seg ofte å være sanne. Jeg er nok ikke den neste som er i stand til å Google og luske rundt men det kan jo være greit å snakke litt om det vi kommer over?

Ninjago fases ut og skal på sett og vis erstattes med Legends of Chima. Ny spaceserie er på trappene, den heter visstnok Galaxy Quest og skal ha likehetstrekk med teamaet vi husker fra det glade 80-tall.

TNMT blir et nytt tema på linje med SpongeBob, Nikledeon har lisens på begge.

Det jeg synes er definitivt mest interessant er hva som kommer i CITY og ikke MINST det neste modular-bygget. Sistnevnte ryktes å være Palace Cinema!! Fantastisk hvis det stemmer. Et mer avansert sett enn det vi i dag kjenner i kategorien 6-12 år skal komme med en form som museumsbygning. Utrolig spennende!

For oss som ikke er så inne i denne forkortelseterminologien, hva er TNMT?

Teenage mutant ninja turtles (TMNT)

Rancor pit - kan kobles til Jabba’s palace. Måtte kjøpe Jabba-settet pga minifigurene, så da må jeg vel kjøpe det neste i rekka også, da!

Hvor finner jeg disse rykter? tips? Så et sted et micky mus sett så trolig kommer neste år stemmer det? Vet man noe om city?

Svirrer noen rykter om at Speedors skal erstatte Racers.

Star wars 2013

Det finnes medlemmer på enkelte forum som får innkikk i forhandlerkatalogene. Disse sendes ut allerede høsten før det aktuelle året, men skal alltid tas med en klype salt ettersom produktene i katalogen kun er representative, og ikke av avsluttende design.

Jeg kan tenke meg at Chilis har vært en liten runde rundt på Eurobricks. Det nevnes blant annet ett museumsran, brennende hus, nyttebiler av ulike typer, ny brannstasjon osv. Mao. en kombinasjon av resirkulasjon og innovasjon, som vanlig.

Eurobricks, smashing-bricks, brickset… eller rett og slett bare Google.


Fire Motorcycle $6
City Fire Department (with police cars?) $10
Fire truck $20
Firefighters $30
Fire Headquarters? $80
Fire Boat $30
Police Quad $6
Police Chase $30
Museum Robbery $60
Fire Helicopter $35

Dette fra (tysk) forhandlerkatalog, liten tvil om at brann- og politietatene blir styrket også i 2013 (…!!) Samme kilde sier at det blir en LMF Serie 9.
Friends får mange nyheter, også der en Friends Collectibles Series 1

Ninjago går ikke ut 2013.Den forseter nyåret 2013. Det står på Brickset. Jeg ble veldig glad
at LEGO Ninjago forseter 2013. Det kommer 6 nye set fra LEGO Ninjago. Jeg liker veldig LEGO Ninjago. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Jeg tror LEGO nyhetene 2013 kommer uke 51 i desember 2012. Di første setene er LEGO CITY.

Juicy news! Er enig i de fleste andres meninger, patetisk med mer politi og brann-sett, men noe av disse ryktene er interessante. Spesielt “Museum robbery”…:

Police theme:

60006 Police Sqaud
This set includes a police squad and a push cart with jewels. Minifigs are bandit and police officer.
Imo a useless set since we now have really enough police squads. Plus which robber would carry his stolen jewels in a pushcart?!

60007 Police Chase
This set includes a police motorbike, a ferrari looking like red sports cabriolet, a police “bar” (fence), spikes chain over the road and a police humvee (with window brick from the red cargo train engine, but in blue). The two cars are six studs wide, but don’t include car doors. Minifigs are two police officers and a robber.
ALthough the vehicles do regrettably not include car doors, they look amazing and the spikes chain over the road is a fantastic addition.

60008 Museum Break-In
This set includes a museum (16x16 baseplate, but interior is supposably only 6x16) with a big porch on two columns. Color of the building is tan, the roof is mostly grey. The building is built a bit superior than the baseplate - small stairs with a red carpet got to the entrance. The roof is built excellently - looking like the town hall’s roof in 10184, but even better since it has decoration (on the left and the right site a grey microfigure) and there is a roof window consisting of two “solar panel” pieces (from the small rocket in the latest space port set). Inside the museum seems to include a blue jewel under glas and a golden dish. There are three vehicles included: a robber’s van (looking like this year’s ambulance, but shorter and in dark grey), a police van (looking like the security transport car in the bank set, but in white and blue color and without roller gates) and a small police helicopter (in the classic 90s Lego City style size) with light brick as spotlight. Minifigs are two robbers, pilot, police officer with bulletproof vest (only printed on torso) and cap and two police officers with bulletproof vest (only printed on torso) and black helmet with dark visor. Regrettably no weaponry, but that was to worry about. (But since these minifigs have helmets you can give them their weapons on your own.)
This set is for sure the best set of the whole City winter wave (of regular sets - who know which Exclusives we’ll get?) and without doubts one of the best City sets ever which you should really not miss getting!

There are two new torsos: The robber’s one and the one of the police officer with the bulletproof vest.

Great Vehicles theme:

Tow Truck
This set inclued an orange colored tow truck with platform and car doors and a small dark-red car (regrettably without car doors). Minifigs are a worker and the woman with the grey torso with the pink scarf.
I don’t like the small car because of its missing car doors which makes the car looking really . But the tow truck itstelf looks amazing!

Fuel Tanker
This set includes a classic looking like Octan fuel tanker which is smaller than the previous version. And there’s even a small gas pump. Minifigure is - if I remember correctly - only an Octan worker.
On the one hand this set looks really good. But on the other hand it’s only a re-design of the previous version without any improvement or stunning new additional stuff. I personally would instead of it much more have liked to see something new - e. g. a TV van or an ice-cream van!

Cement Mixer Truck
This set inclued a cement mixer truck looking very similar like the previous version, but imo much better since it inclued car doors and a “gutter” (don’t know the fitting expression) on it’s back to let the cement coming down. Color is yellow and white. Included is a push cart. Minifigs are two construction workers (very similar to the ones in this year’s truck).
The cement mixer truck looks awesome!

fire sets:

Big Fire Station
This set includes a fire station with two tall garages on the left side (a mini heliport is on them, but it does only fit the small helicopter included, regrettably not the one from the seperate set) and a main building on the right side. The main building has three floors and consists mainly of windows. But since these are the 4x1x6 windows, this doesn’t look as bad as the ones in the previous fire station. First floor has entrance with commando center (desk with computer and city map I remember), second floor is a bit empty - it includes only tools - and in the third floor there is a really cool looking kitchenette with cooker with pan and a table with (supposably) two chairs. The only thing which disturbs is that there is a small “elevator” outside at the building (like in the fire station from 2005 (?)). Vehilces are a “ladder truck”, a small helicopter with water cannon (in the size of the 90s Lego City helis) and a small car (very similar to the one in the last fire station), the “ladder car” has - if I remember correctly - car doors, the other for sure regrettably not. Minifigs are two firemen, fire captain, female fireman and a dog (“new” mold) in white with black circles.
Apart from the strange elevator, the nearly empty second floor, the imo much too small heli and the missing car doors in the small fire truck, this set does really look amazing!

Burning Hut
This set includes a burning hut without interior (one floor big, door in the middle, left and right a window with a lath in front of it, black burning roof, street lantern), a “ladder truck” with car doors and two or three firemen.
The idea of a burning house is imo ingenious. But the outcome is more than disappointing. This set would have had that many potential: minimum two floors big building with interior, burning roof, window beneath is opened and a woman is crying for help, firemen get ready their rescue net.

Fire Helicopter
This set includes a fire helicopter. I appreciate that its size is about the one in the Heli and Limousine set from 2010. But it is red and has the real heli window piece (even used in this year’s big forest police heli). It is open and there’s a winch in front of the open part in the middle. As addition there’s an adumbration of a fuel pumping station - a white tank and a column with a fire burning on its top. Minifigures are a pilot and a fireman.
Imo this is a small but really nice set. The helicopter looks great and the addition is very minimalistic, but looks good nevertheless.

Fire Boat
This set includes a flat medium sized fire boat with water canon in front (its size is suppoably as big as the big racing boat last year) and a blue racing boat (using the blue boat piece in the marina set) of which the motor is burning. Minifigs are two firemen and two racing people with the new life jacket.
This is nothing special, but makes nevertheless a good set.

“Ladder Truck”
The set name says it. Minifigs are two firemen.
Since we already get two “ladder trucks” in the other sets, I really ask me for which reason we need a third one. Nevertheless I must admit that this “ladder truck” is the best looking of all three - similar to the one in the last fire station, but bigger and nicer. Imo a great set since there are even roller gates with a box with accessory.

Fire Captain’s Car
This set includes the fire captain’s car, a mini tree (only a brwon 1x1 column with a bush piece on top), a cat, the fire chief, a woman (blue torso from this year’s camper) and a fish.
Nothing special.

Fire Motorcycle
This set includes a red fire motorcycle, a green brick-built burning dustbin and a fireman.
I have been waiting for a fire motorcycle since years and have to say that with the additional dustbin that makes a small awesome set!

There are two new torsos: The fire captain in the fire station has a white shirt with cravat (btw: he wears a golden helmet) and there is a new torso for some firemen (the majority have the old regular (non-forest) firefighter torso) which looks like if they were an orange warning vest.

Kilde: … 21&p=42114

Ja da så…høres ikke ut som om jeg trenger noe av dette.

Hm, nå må vi ikke bli for positive her. Er vel ingen av oss som TRENGER noe av det, men alltid kjekt med nyheter i hobbyen vår.

Jeg for min del er positiv til flere av settene.

Police Chase med Ferrari lignende sportsbil og politi Hummer, veldig kult.

Museum Break-In ser ut som et must buy. En helt ny type bygning + mini van og lite politihelikopter. Juhu.

Liker at de kommer med mere Great Vehicles også. De som har kommet til nå har vært så bra at jeg regner med at jeg må ha alle disse tre.

Brannsettene virker kanskje litt overflødige, men Ladder Truck høres jo veldig flott ut. Kommer sikkert til å kjøpe den.

Jeg har allerede det meste av dette dekket i byen min, så det jeg primært er interessert i nå er Creator- og modulbygninger. Det har kommet mange flotte hus i Creator-serien de siste årene, og jeg håper dette fortsetter! Jeg har masse minifigs fra diverse ‘action-sett’ men de trenger jo et sted å bo alle sammen… Det fine med Creator-husene er at de faktisk har 4 vegger og er fine å se på fra alle kanter, ikke bare forsiden. Museet som det ryktes om her høres morsomt ut, men som de fleste slike sett er de laget for å lekes i (åpen bakvegg) og ikke så mye for utstillingens skyld. Haunted House var en nyvinning i så måte med en gjeninnføring av hengslede bygg slik vi hadde på 80-tallet (borg, brannstasjon). Spent på å se om den trenden fortsetter!

Litt spent på Ladder Truck, men siden jeg har nok brannbiler til en storby allerede blir det kun snakk om en utskiftning og ikke et tillegg. Utrangerte kjøretøyer arver barna! :slight_smile:

Raggsokk; jeg er helt enig og vi tenker likt. Jeg har 3 byggede brannstasjoner i byen og 3 i uåpnet eske. Brann- og politibilene står i kø, det er faktisk de som LAGER kø. Folk må ha steder å bo og det var mudul-settene som fikk meg tilbake til Lego. Har alle, noen dobbelt eller trippelt og krysser fingrene for at trenden fortsetter. Det finnes for meg 2 årlige høydepunkt; Det ene er LUGBULK og det andre er årets modulsett.
Som du sier, håper Hauted House er starten på en positiv trend. Museum Robbery 2013 kan være et fint utgangspunkt for en MOD med 4 vegger og fler etasjer. Det er min plan.

Utrangerte kjøretøy hos meg skal på sikt havne på museum :wink:

OMG! Som tidligere nevnt kommer Lego fra tid til annen med nyheter som treffer meg RETT i hjertet! VW Camper Van, Winter Village-settene, Haunted House for å nevne noen.

Nå har de gjort det igjen!! LYKKE … n-express/

WOW! Oh steike, den vil jeg ha!

liker Jeg elsker det! Ser ut til at det må kjøpes 2 stk: … 650914158/

Pris i DDK er 899, så da blir det jo ikke en formue for 2… Kommer på S@H i januar 2013 :slight_smile: