Ang. priser i USA og Europa

Her er en offisiell forklaring på prisforskjellene:

LEGO wrote:
Our selling costs in Europe and Asia are higher than in the US because of the size of US market and retailers (economies of scale). Furthermore, the US market is by far the most price competitive in the world. These factors combined mean that we have for years priced our products higher in eg Europe than the US. In recent years, the difference has been increased due to the weakening US dollar - but we have consciously decided not to let this (hopefully short term) weakening of the dollar hurt the US consumer. And in order to stay profitable as a company, we cannot decrease our European prices - especially seen in the light of increasing cost pressure on oil, labor etc. Finally, final pricing in the market place is obviously determined by retailers, which is something we cannot and will not influence.

Den enkleste er å sammenligne USA med Tyskland - som jo er Europas største Lego-land.
Tyskland har 60 millioner innbyggere og prisene på markedet er deretter. USA har 250 millioner innbyggere og markedet må jo da tilpasses det volumet som antas solgt.
I og med at Norge er et såpass lite marked sammenlignet med de store, så er det jo naturlig at det skal være dyrere her.